How Do I Know Which Disinfectant Is The Most Effective?

Not all disinfectants are made equal, although marketing claims would have you believe otherwise. Many disinfectants on the market claim to ‘kill 99.9% of germs’ or ‘kill in 60 seconds’ – but what does this really mean? Because the truth is, they aren’t all equally effective, and you don’t want to make mistakes when it comes to health and safety.

The term ‘germs’ can loosely refer to any bacteria or pathogen. It’s only by reading the label details that you will know exactly which of these it does kill. For instance, you might be looking for a disinfectant that protects against viruses, but find the one you have only kills bacteria commonly found in food prep areas. Or vice versa.

The other common claim, that a disinfectant kills in a certain time frame, is also misleading. It can often mean that only one or two pathogens are killed in that time frame, while the rest might need five minutes of contact time before they are killed.

SANI-99 is a powerful surface disinfectant that kills a range of pathogens, making it applicable for a wide variety of uses:
• It kills both viruses and microbes, such as bacteria and funghi.
• It destroys a large variety of vegetative microorganisms,
pathogens, some fungal spores and some bacterial spores.
• It’s 99.99995%* effective in killing Salmonella as well as
Colibacillosis caused by E. coli in hatcheries.

SANI-99 has passed the International chemical efficacy laboratory tests: EN 1276. EN 13697. SANS 51276. SANS 53697. It has a log reduction of 6log which guarantees a pathogenic reduction of 99.99995%*.

Equally important to the disinfectant itself, is the dilution and contact time of the disinfectant. Human error accounts for approximately 85% of low disinfecting efficacy results. When applying a disinfectant, the user must carefully follow the instructions to ensure optimum results.

For SANI-99, the required dilution is one 6g sachet per 1L (or a 60g box per 10L). Based on the EN lab protocol of all European standard EN tests, it is confirmed that SANI-99 kills pathogenic bacteria in 10 seconds, although for food surfaces or stubborn stains it needs to stand for 5 minutes before wiping. The full set of instructions are below:
1. Always make sure that the container to be used is clean.
2. Fill the container with 1L (for 6g) or 10L (for 60g) of water.
3. Tear open the SANI-99 sachet & empty the contents into the water.
4. Stir/ shake the water rapidly for approx. 1 minute for SANI-99 powder
to dissolve.
5. Spray SANI-99 mixture onto the contaminated area.
6. For general cleaning spray on surface and clean with damp cloth
or sponge.
7. When working with food or stubborn stains spray surface until thoroughly
wet, let it stand for 5 min before wiping.

To find out more about SANI-99, including a tutorial and access to data sheets, visit our SANI-99 page.